Swet Columns

Japan Style Sheet Website 2022 Updates

SWET’s companion site, home of the online version of the Japan Style Sheet, is a reference site for not only editors but translators and writers dealing with style questions relating to Japanese words in English text. Launched in 2018 with the publication of the JSS third edition, its four sections have recently been updated: the downloadable PDF of the JSS... more

英文中の All Caps (全大文字表記) の問題

日本では英文書式について正式に学ぶ機会があまりないためか、日本人クライアントと英語圏の翻訳者・編集者とのあいだで、書式をめぐっての問題が起こります。その中の一つが、All Caps、つまり、Tanaka を TANAKA というふうに、すべてを大文字にする表記法です。... more

All Caps: A Practical Guide

In English, text in “all caps” (or “full caps”) typically signifies either extreme emphasis (“shouting”) or the presence of an acronym. There are a few other traditional uses—notably in the styling of government forms, legal contracts, and road signs, though the use of all caps on road signs and contracts has come under scrutiny.

One reason for... more

The History of SWET

The late 1970s were years of growth and ferment in English-language book and periodical publishing in Japan. Book publishers Charles E. Tuttle, Inc., John Weatherhill, Kodansha International, and the University of Tokyo Press released dozens of new volumes in English annually. Japan Echo, the Japan Interpreter, and Japan Quarterly published high-quality Japanese journalism and writing in English translation. Four daily... more

Latest SWET Financial Report (and earlier)

Financial Report for 2020

Like everyone and everything in the world, SWET was affected by Covid-19 throughout 2020. Financially, the move to online meetings translated into reduced spending on venues (although we did manage to hold two face-to-face Tokyo meetings before the state of emergency kicked in) and increased spending on software subscriptions and other online-related items. The pandemic has also halted SWET... more

Word Wise: Getting It Out There

By Richard Medhurst

The Internet has made it possible to send whatever we want around the world with the stroke of a key, but what do we hope to achieve by doing so? Some basic uses for the Japanese word 発信 are to do with transmitting or sending various kinds of messages, such as an SOS when in danger. When translating... more