SWET Newsletter, Number 2

February 28 Meeting / Focus on Editing [report]

Speakers: Meredith Weatherby, Suzanne Trumbull, Luther Link

Professional Translators and Translating [announcement: April 25 SWET meeting]

Advice for Beginning Editors (ST)

Books: A Manual of Style (Chicago); Words into Type; The Careful Writer: A Modern Guide to English Usage; The Elements of Style; Fowler's Modern English Usage; Copyediting [British English]

Resources for Editors of Scientific and Technical Manuscripts (SS)

Books: Dictionary of Geological Terms; Dorland's Medical Dictionary; Stedman's Medical Dictionary; Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms; (U.S. Council of Biology Editors) CBE Style Manual; (American Chemical Society) Handbook for Authors; (American Mathematical Association) Mathematics into Type

SWET Survey [project announcement]

Glossary Pool (ref: RPS) [request for contributions]