Swet Columns


(English-language companion article here.)

英文を案内版やウェブページで表示する際に、編集やデザイン、その業務の担当者が忘れてはならない「英文表記のルール」があります。それ... more

Six Simple Rules for No-Fail Texts and Signage

Wordsmiths in Japan are often concerned when the English texts they produce are ready for layout and design and want to explain to their clients the pitfalls involved. To support efforts to educate clients tackling English-language layout and design, SWET has prepared this article in conjunction with a Japanese-language companion article. These articles explain six best-practice rules for formatting English... more

A Writer’s Look at the iPad (2011)

by Lem Fugitt

Lem Fugitt is a Tokyo-based geek-about-town, using his experience in technology and business to write regularly on items of technical interest. He writes here about his recent conversion to a new way of putting thoughts into written words.

If anyone had asked me back in March 2010 if there was anything I really wanted or... more

Beyond Word Processing

Dr. Kevin Cleary, SWET member and lecturer in computers and accounting at Sophia University, talked to a small but enthusiastic group of SWET members about some of the power of modern technology, Cleary’s explanations of other ways of using computers productively were very welcome indeed.

Cleary introduced himself by saying that although he had been aware of... more