Swet Columns

The History of SWET

The late 1970s were years of growth and ferment in English-language book and periodical publishing in Japan. Book publishers Charles E. Tuttle, Inc., John Weatherhill, Kodansha International, and the University of Tokyo Press released dozens of new volumes in English annually. Japan Echo, the Japan Interpreter, and Japan Quarterly published high-quality Japanese journalism and writing in English translation. Four daily... more

Translator Tuesdays Reports

These quick reports (beginning with August) of the hour-long online meetups held starting in March 2024 on the first Tuesday of each month are contributed by Daniel Morales, moderator, following the close of each session. The reports appear with the most recent at the top. See Upcoming Events on the SWET website top page for the topics of upcoming meetups.

December... more

Dealing with AI Usage in University Writing Classes

By R. Paul Lege

While there are advantages and disadvantages to allowing some use of AI tech in completing assignments, trying to establish an actual boundary as to what constitutes improper usage is becoming harder to nail down (especially as AI evolves). The problem is particularly acute because AI has taken over the once useful corrective software tools on the market... more

Latest SWET Financial Report (and earlier)

Financial Report for 2023

In 2023, the major expense for SWET was the long-awaited rebuild of the SWET website to be mobile responsive. Previously, the website used graphic images for colored headers, and on a smartphone the site would appear in tiny print that needed to be expanded and shifted around to read. Thanks to the programming skills of ResourceCode, now... more

Event Report: Fifth East Asian Translation Studies Conference

The fifth East Asian Translation Studies conference was held at the University of Queensland on June 26–28, with a mixture of on-site and online participants. The conference kicked off with a keynote speech by Professor Min-hua Liu from Hong Kong Baptist University titled “Is There an Aptitude for Interpreting beyond Bilingualism?” The second keynote was by Professor Clint... more

Highlights of 2023

While we have been busy crafting with words, learning about ChatGPT and the Japanese government’s new invoice system, keeping our equipment up to date, meeting deadlines, and keeping abreast of our email, now we find that another year is upon us.       SWET started 2023 in its usual laid-back fashion, but the questions arising and alarms sounding over large language... more