Editors Canada Second International Conference, June 2020

Editors Canada is pleased to announce that next year we will host our second international conference. The conference will take place from June 19 to 21, 2020, at Le Centre Sheraton hotel in Montreal, Quebec.

Submit your speaker proposal

Our second international conference will once again welcome editors from around the world to participate in a diverse and informative program.

We welcome presentations and workshops related to the global theme of the conference or any of the following areas:

  • Networking — sessions about making connections, building communities, and creating a presence in your networks
  • Editing markets — sessions about where and how editors find work, especially evolving and emerging opportunities
  • Business practices — sessions that help members conduct their business and do their work
  • Techniques and technologies — sessions about resources and practices that assist members in working better and more efficiently
  • Language and diversity — sessions that guide members in respecting the diverse needs of clients
  • Editing around the world — sessions about standards and editing practices from around the world

If you have an idea for a session or would like to participate in a panel discussion, please complete the Speaker Proposal Form.

About conference sessions

  • Sessions can be offered in English, French, or both.
  • Sessions will be one hour long, including time for introductions, breakout discussions or other activities, and Q&A. 


All completed proposals must be received by 11:59 p.m., EDT, Friday, October 18, 2019.

Selection and notification

The conference committee will evaluate every proposal and inform applicants of their decisions by Sunday, December 1, 2019. If your proposal is accepted, you will be asked to supply a high-resolution (300 pixels per inch) headshot of each speaker in your session for the conference program and website.

Conference registration discount for speakers

If your proposal is selected, you will be eligible for a significant discount on the conference registration fee. Please note the discount does not apply to pre-conference workshops or social events.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to receiving your proposal! Please feel free to share this call for speakers with your other networks.

For more information, please contact

Editors Canada 2020 International Conference Committee

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