November 2, 2017
Offerings from the Editorial Freelancers Association
The Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) has recently announced its Education Program offerings, which are now ready for registration for the November and December courses.
The upcoming courses are the following:
Basis of Editing and Proofreading (Webinar, Nov. 6, 7-8 pm Eastern) with Ruth Thaler-Carter
In the Driver's Seat: How to Steer Your Freelance Biz to Success (Webinar, Nov. 8, 1-2 pm Eastern) with Jake Poinier, Erin Brenner, and Christina Frey
PDF Markup for Editors (Online, Nov. 9-30) with Adrienne Montgomerie
Click "Next" to Continue: Beyond Web Editing Basics (Webinar, Nov. 14, 1-2 pm Eastern) with Erin Brenner
Grammar Refresher Part 2 (Online, Nov. 15-Dec. 13) with April Michelle Davis
Fiction Copyediting, Part 2: Nuts and Bolts-Style Sheets (Webinar, Nov 16, 11-12:30 Eastern) with Amy Schneider
Developmental Editing of Fiction: Advanced Bootcamp (Online, Nov. 27-Dec. 18) with Jennifer Lawler
Macros for Editors (Online, Dec. 7-21 Eastern) with Adrienne Montgomerie
All New and Improved: How to Edit Marketing Copy (Webinar, Dec. 12, 1-2 pm Eastern) with Erin Brenner
The EFA's Fall catalogue is also now available.
In addition, check out the recorded webinars that are available for purchase. Handouts will be provided (if the presenter had handouts).
In these webinars, the following topics were covered: