SWET Greetings in the New Year!

The hourglass of the year has turned, and the hopes, plans, and possibilities for 2020 hold out their golden glow. How can we better reach out to colleagues and collaborators? What troves of experience and know-how can we draw on and build on? Who will be there for us to answer questions or lend a hand? What kind of community are we part of?
SWET offers you professional tools and know-how, empowering networks, and supportive colleagues. Continually evolving with the times, the society seeks to connect and support members working in multifarious niches of the wordsmith’s world, through its member bulletins, mailing list discussions, Facebook networking, face-to-face events, publication of useful articles on the website, and maintenance of the SWET and
Japan Style Sheet websites.
Please contribute your energy and your experience, propelling SWET into its 40th year of being here for Japan-related wordsmiths.

(Illustration: Stuart Ayre; photograph: Lynne E. Riggs)


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