November 17, 2019
SWET Talk Shop: How to Be Happily, Successfully Self-Employed
Special Guest: Ruth Stevens
Date: November 20, 2019 (Wed.)
Time: 6:00–9:00 p.m. (Talk begins at 7:00)
Place: Book House Cafe, Jinbocho, Second Floor Osetsushitsu
See website for map; come out Jinbocho subway exit A1, turn right and walk about 15 meters to the Kitazawa Building. Please take the elevator or stairs to the second floor on the left side of the building. We will be in a small parlor-like room on the left side at the end of the corridor. Look for the SWET signs.
Fee: Free of charge. Food and drink available at the Cafe (see the "Menu" at the Book House Cafe website)
Reservations: Please let us know if you are coming. E-mail us at SWET Events
Nijikai: Ruth Stevens will join participants for snacks and drinks at a post-session gathering (9:00–10:30 p.m. at the same location). Please also let us know at SWET Events if you would like to attend this nijikai.
Have you been thinking about going out on your own? Or perhaps you are already self-employed? Attend this session for tips and strategies for how to build a rich and satisfying life as a solo practitioner.
You will learn
- How to craft a business model that leverages your strengths.
- Three key principles of self-employed success.
- Five techniques for building your personal brand.
- The two things you should do before leaving your day job.
Ruth Stevens hung up her shingle as a marketing consultant in 2000, after 15 years in corporate life, and 8 years before that in editorial and English teaching work in Kanazawa and Tokyo. She lives in New York City and looks forward to reconnecting with SWET friends at this program.
Have an idea for an event you’d like to attend? Know of someone who would make a good speaker or session leader? Help SWET organize its schedule of events for 2019 by sharing your interests and network. Please get in touch via SWET Events