Writers in Kyoto: Launch in Spring 2015

Writers in Kyoto will be launched on April 19 with a talk by Amy Chavez of Japan Times and Rocket News fame.  Her title is ‘Things I wish someone had told me before becoming a freelance writer in Japan’, and the talk is open to everyone.  (Place: Roars Pub http://r.gnavi.co.jp/h7depb720000/, talk starts at 5.00.  Drinks available beforehand from 4.30.  Cost Y500, but free for those joining Writers in Kyoto at the discount rate of Y2000.)


Writers in Kyoto aims to provide a forum for the many published and self-published English-language authors living in the city. The group will be web-based with occasional events and is run on a membership basis with the idea of promoting the exchange of information, exploring new publishing options, looking at marketing, helping with book launches,and organising public readings etc.  For further information visit http://www.writersinkyoto.com/ or contact John Dougill (email)

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