May 1, 2003
Steering Committee Report
Although many SWET operating decisions are discussed and made entirely online, the Steering Committee does meet from time to review policy and to firm up implementation.
The SWET Steering Committee (SC) met on February 9, 2003. Hugh Ashton, Becky Davis, Phil Ono, Bob Poulson, Lynne Riggs, Doreen Simmons, Fred Uleman, and Cynthia Yenches attended. A number of... more
May 1, 2003
SWET Newsletter, Number 101
In this issue:
Meeting Reports: January 11 meeting: Larry Brouhard on technical writing February 9 Steering Committee meeting February 22 meeting: Jack Halpern on CJK Lexicography Over Their Shoulders Ask Aunt Eva: Unwarranted confidence Rough Words Wireless Computer Networking Takes Off Reading Japanese Advertising Contents[strong]Yes, We Can Learn from Experience[/strong] by John L. McCreery
Write-up of January 11 meeting, Larry Brouhard... more
February 1, 2003
SWET Newsletter, Number 100
SWET Newsletter's 100th Issue [thanks for support]
IJET-14 Coming in May [conference: International Japanese/English Translation]
SWET Monthly Meetings [check Website for latest information]
Tokyo International Book Fair 2003
Kyushu Meeting Report
KyushuWord Takes to the Road (CR) [e-list of translators, editors; social event]
Away from the Big Cities (CR)
December 16, 2002
Bridge-building Books
by Doreen Simmons
“Building bridges between cultures” has been a safe subject for talks and textbooks for many years; how far is an outsider justified in interfering with work in progress? Our pensive old tabby weighs the pros and cons.
Dear Aunt Eva,
I’ve been asked by a publisher friend to give an opinion on a supplementary textbook, the... more
December 1, 2002
SWET Newsletter, Number 99
Monthly Meeting Announcements
Thirty Years of Technical Writing [presentation: trends and one man's career in technical writing, copywriting, in-house documentation, multimedia]
Presenter: Larry Brouhard
Directory Update 2003 [call for changes, additions]
Hundredth SWET Newsletter [call for contributions]
Map to January Meeting Site and subsequent party
Monthly Meeting Reports
Getting Haiku (HA) [appreciating and creating the Japanese poems]
Speakers: Masako Takahashi,... more
October 29, 2002
Finding a Job vs. Finding Work
by Fred Uleman
Creating You & Co by William Bridges reminds me of the old adage that, “within every fat man is a thin man trying to get out.” There is a slender book in here that is well worth reading, but you will have to cut through a lot of fat to get at it. So let me give you... more