CANCELED! March 24 - SWET Newsletter 2011 Brainstorming and Planning Gathering

Please note that this meeting has been canceled until further notice. SWET apologizes for the inconvenience, but please check again for information about when it will be rescheduled.


Date: March 24, 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
First hour for snacking (please bring your own food and drink) and visiting.
Meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m.
Place: Room 204, Wesley Center, Minami Aoyama
RSVP: If possible please let us know in advance if you are coming
Map at: [url=][/url]

SWET Newsletter 127 will be in your mailboxes soon!

The SWET Newsletter Committee (NC) would like to invite all interested SWET members to join our annual brainstorming gathering to consider fresh content for the SWET Newsletter for the rest of the year (issues 128, 129, and 130).

  • What is the content you appreciate most in the SWET Newsletter?
  • What are professional issues you face?
  • What do we want to read about that we can't read about elsewhere?
  • What SWET-relevant subjects should be written about for the historical record?
  • Who should we ask to write for us?
  • What events could we plan for SWET to coordinate with Newsletter content?

If you are interested in helping to answer such questions, please join us on the 24th.

About NC
The SWET Newsletter Committee consists of a dozen or so people who participate on a volunteer basis in the planning, design, and production of the SWET Newsletter. All interested SWET members are welcome to join.

The SWET Newsletter Committee is for review of previous issues; discussion of ideas for articles, editorial policy, design ideas and proposals; appeals for authors, writers, etc.; calls for editorial and proofreading help, organizing the final work of sending out the finished newsletter, reading of articles submitted for publication that need group consideration, etc.

Active Newsletter Committee members enjoy the chance to work with other experienced professionals in the writing, editing, proofreading, and layout of SWET’s own publication. Our volunteer collaboration turns into a kind of professional workshop in which we give our skills a workout, network, and learn. Other members are on hand to help supply information, consider questions, and provide ideas.

For more information, write to the SWET Newsletter editor.