SWET’s Much Awaited Website Enhancement

Visitors to the SWET website will now find it legible on a smartphone or other mobile device. SWET invested a healthy chunk of its savings in updating the site, thanks to the generous annual support of dues-paying members—a complete rebuild launched quietly on July 5 at 5:55 p.m., JST.

Unbeknownst to some, Google has moved towards mobile-first indexing, which means it predominantly uses the mobile version of a website’s content for indexing and ranking. Before SWET had a mobile version, it did not appear at the top of a Google search for “swet.” Now it does.

The responsive design allows for easy-to-read displays on all types of devices. On smaller screens, you’ll find a three-line “hamburger” menu icon that expandeds to show subsections. The sidebar items that appear on the right side when accessing the site on a computer can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of a major section on a smartphone. (For example, the SWET Member Blogroll is found under People & Events.)

We wish to thank Jade Carter and Brett Pointer of Resourcecode for expediting the redesign to make it fully mobile responsive while remaining on the ExpressionEngine content management system platform.

Other design enhancements include adding a fourth “SWET color” and an evolving visual slider feature on the top page that will link to upcoming and recent SWET community events and published articles. Please have a look. If you find any bugs or have suggestions, please email us your feedback.