
Journeying with J-Boys: Kazuo’s World, Tokyo, 1965

by Avery Fischer Udagawa

Shogo Oketani, author of J-Boys: Kazuo’s World, Tokyo, 1965 (Stone Bridge Press, 2011), and his wife, Leza Lowitz, spoke to members of SWET and SCBWI Tokyo on December 6, 2011. Avery Fischer Udagawa, the translator of J-Boys, joined via Skype in the exchange, which was moderated by Holly Thompson at the Wesley Center... more

Japan Style Sheet Update

Please note that the Japan Style Sheet is now available at: [url=][/url]

KANJI IN ENGLISH TEXT Editors, translators, and proofreaders turn to the Japan Style Sheet (Stone Bridge Press, 1998) to make style decisions for their work related to Japan. While the editorial options and recommendations given in JSS are as reliable as ever, technology has moved on, resolving some of the difficulties... more

From the Steerage • SWET’s New Online Look

by Richard Sadowsky

In mid-2012, SWET enters a new era with a visually redesigned and enhanced website at setting the groundwork for SWET’s future development. From now on, the website will be the place to go for SWET news, articles, and information for members and others with an interest in SWET topics.

The website will continue to be based on the... more

SWET Newsletter, No. 130

Japanese to English Translation Of Eggs and Accents: Translating Kawakami Mieko, by Alison Watts March 11, 2011: Continuing Stories Already a Year—Only a Year, by Ginny Tapley Takemori SWET Events Journeying with J-Boys: Kazuo’s World, Tokyo 1965, by Avery Fischer Udagawa Stories from Inspiration to Publication, by Suzanne Kamata Writing in Japan: Publishing Alternatives, by Alex Shishin From the Steerage more

The Wordsmith’s Craft

by Lynne E. Riggs

Some may have seen the New Year’s TV program showing the tsuikidoki craftsman who takes a flat sheet of copper and over three days to a week beats it into a gracefully shaped teapot, complete with spout, using only a hammer, a high-piled rack of toriguchi forming tools, and the accumulated experience of two or three decades... more

From the Steerage • The Future of the SWET Newsletter

by Lynne E. Riggs

The SWET Newsletter is going to change. As announced in No. 128, the present Newsletter will continue through No. 130, to come probably in February or March. After that, the new incarnation of the Newsletter will appear sometime in 2012, as part of our redesigned website (details on which see below).

Preparations for these changes... more