Swet Columns

The Finagle Factor

by Doreen Simmons

This time our lovable old tabby takes a rather jaundiced look at the great "Finagle Factor" of Japan: that which, added to any equation, makes it come out in the speaker's favor. In other words, how do we cope with people who are always right?

Dear Aunt Eva,

I am a professional sub-editor, and as a... more

Shortcomings of Applicants

by Doreen Simmons

Chivalrous Aunt Eva is usually asked to take up cudgels on behalf of the browbeaten employee against an arrogant or unappreciative client. This time, however, she takes a sympathetic but practical look from the other side, at the problems encountered by people who for the first time in their lives are confronted with the knowledge of their own... more

Rewriting at Home

by Doreen Simmons

A recent thread on SWET-L (and if you don’t belong to SWET’s own mailing list, you’re missing out on a useful free resource) sparked much kindly and practical advice. Now, nobody is more kindly and practical than lovable Aunt Eva, and here are her own thoughts on the subject. The original request is used with permission.

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Aunt Eva Redux: Burnt Out?

by Doreen Simmons

Benevolent Aunt Eva, who recently had the pleasure of seeing off her severest critic when he was transferred to a place more suited to his talents, finds it a little difficult to relate to a problem that seems to come from the inside, but has to get back into the saddle somehow.

Dear Aunt Eva,

OK,... more

Picky Partner

by Doreen Simmons

Business partnerships, like marriages, can easily get derailed without toleration, cooperation, and mutual understand of the partners’ intended roles. Aunt Eva casts a seasoned eye over the hazards, and shepherds us along the path of harmony.

Dear Aunt Eva,

My friend Adam Ant and I recently formed a partnership to do translation and editing work. Already,... more

Teacher to Rewriter

by Doreen Simmons

It takes courage to change not only your job but also your career; but it is becoming increasingly common.  A correspondent wonders aloud whether she has all her skills in place for the change. Aunt Eva, who has already had several of her proverbial nine lives, offers a few basic suggestions.

Dear Aunt Eva:

Tiring of... more