November 27 - SWET Bay Area Meeting

Date: Sunday, 27 November 2011
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Place: University of California, Berkeley, Room 0156 Dwinelle (near Sather Gate, enter campus from Bancroft and Telegraph)
Further information: Beth Cary, bdcary[at]

Featuring Yoko Hasegawa talking about her book, The Routledge Course in Japanese Translation. Finding no helpful textbook on translating Japanese when she began to teach a course in translation, Yoko Hasegawa has written this volume which combines the theory and practice of Japanese-English translation. The book offers information on the process and problems often encountered in the work of translation, particularly the structural and stylistic differences between Japanese and English. The book provides many practice texts and practical tools that are helpful for beginning and experienced translators.   

Yoko Hasegawa received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from UC Berkeley where she teaches Japanese Linguistics and serves as Coordinator of the Japanese Language Program.
Her publications include:
The Routledge Course in Japanese Translation (Routledge, 2011),
Soliloquy in Japanese and English (John Benjamins, 2010),
Nihongo kara mita Nihonjin: Shutaisei no gengogaku (with Y. Hirose, Kaitakusha, 2010)