SWET T-shirts

SWET t-shirts

SWET T-shirts are available for a mere ¥500 per item (shipping within Japan included).

Each quality SWET t-shirt is printed on front and back (front “SWETshirt“; back “I’m a SWETer“), available in black with white design, or white with black design. Sizes are limited. Mostly M and S available (international sizes). Inquire at SWET

The "Add to Cart" button will take you to a PayPal secure transaction page where you can change the number of shirts you wish to purchase and/or pay by credit card.

Payment options

Credit card You can pay by credit card through PayPal, even if you do not have a PayPal account. Please use one of the buttons at top of this page.

Postal transfer In Japan, remittances may be made by post office deposit (yūbin haraikomi). The necessary forms are available at all Japanese post offices. The account number is "SWET no Kai 00100-8-0042202."

Important note If you pay by postal transfer, please send an email to SWET orders giving your name and postal address in English or Japanese.

Bank transfer Within Japan, you can pay by bank transfer:

Bank name:Japan Post Bank (Yucho Bank)ゆうちょ銀行

Branch no.:008008

Branch name:Zero-zero-hachi〇〇八(ゼロゼロハチ)

Account type:Futsu普通

Account no.:55545945554594

Payable to:SWET no KaiSWETの会

Important note If you pay by bank transfer, please send an email to SWET orders giving your name and postal address in English or Japanese.