
On Wakame and Bicultural Fiction for Children

by Avery Udagawa

SWET core member and regional advisor of the Japan chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), Holly Thompson has lived in the Kamakura-Yokohama area since 1998 and teaches poetry and fiction writing at Yokohama City University. She is the author of the novel Ash (Stone Bridge Press, 2001)... more

SWET Newsletter, No. 119

April 2008 In this issue:

The Writing Life Sixty Years of Journal-Keeping (Donald Richie) Japanese-to-English Translation Noh Translations on the World's Stage (Higashizono Tadatoshi) SWET and Other Events Manga and Anime Overseas (Imoto Chikako) SWET New Year's Party and Special Panel (John Presley) Foreign Journalist Tells All (Deryn Verity) SWET Member News Kurodahan: Selling to a Niche (Ginny Tapley) On Wakame and Bicultural Fiction for Children: Holly Thompson (Avery Udagawa) Threads... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 118

December 2007 In this issue:

Translating from Japanese to English Through a Glass Darkly: Is Translating Poetry Possible? (Janine Beichman) A Publisher's Publisher Remembering Nobuki Saburō (Donald Richie, Akanoma Yukimori, Michael Brase, Peter Goodman, Katakura Shigeo, Machiko Moriyasu, Katsuyama Katsuhiko, Kim Schuefftan, Mary Sutherland, Jules Yoiung, Dorothy Britton (Lady Bouchier), Juliet Winters Carpenter) SWET Events Damian Flanagan: Why Read Soseki? (David Eunice) Writing and Publishing Fiction... more

Writing and Publishing Fiction

by Dianne Highbridge

The first words I have here in my notes are: “No one reads fiction any more.”

In the world we live in, we are surrounded by stories. We consume stories. You look at the newspaper, turn on the TV, and there are stories, stories—some of them so outrageous that you wonder why you bother to write fiction at all.... more

Subtleties of Scientific Style

Reviewed by Richard Weisburd Review of Matthew Stevens; Thornleigh, NSW, Australia: ScienceScape Editing, 2007. 103 pages. Softcover ISBN0-9578877-2-8. Available online. Softcover US12.00/A$15.00 + postage.

Substantive editing of research papers is a difficult task. The content is complex, technical, and original. The authors are intimately familiar with their own work, but not always aware of the difficulty that readers may have extracting... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 117

October 2007 In this issue:

Translating from Japanese to English: Jumping Into the Pond (Juliet Winters Carpenter) Bringing Japanese Literature to the West: The Knopf Translation Program, 1955-76 (Larry Walker) Wordsmith Extraordinaire Remembering Edward G. Seidensticker (Janine Beichman, Juliet Winters Carpenter, Michael Cooper, Rebecca Copeland, Aileen Gatten, Andrew Horvat, Donald Keene, Robert Morrell, Donald Richie, Burton Watson, Lynne E. Riggs) SWET Events Summer Garden in Old Musashino... more