October 1, 2002
SWET Newsletter, Number 98
SWET Book Fair
Poetry in Kansai [poetry reading]
Reader: Cid Corman, poet, essayist, translator
Hundredth SWET Newsletter [call for contributions]
Reaching the SWET Book Fair [map to Temple University Japan]
Monthly Meeting Reports
Writing Bicultural Novels: Aspects of the Craft of Fiction (HU)
Speaker: Holly Thompson, author of the novel Ash
Bookworms, Tech Nerds, and Culturally... more
September 17, 2002
“Bill Me for Everything” Change
by Doreen Simmons
When one party to an old relationship of trust suddenly wants to put it entirely on a businesslike footing, what’s really afoot? Well-balanced Aunt Eva, who likes a bit of friendly give-and-take herself, advises treading warily on this one.
Dear Aunt Eva,
I have a niggling little problem and would welcome a second opinion.
I have a... more
June 1, 2002
SWET Newsletter, Number 97
Meetings and Announcements
The Future of Print Culture
Speaker: Alan Gleason, Dai-Nippon Printing
SWET Book Fair [announcement]
Web Site Updates [Webmaster and URL change]
What's ISO-SIG? (BH) [SWET education group: call for members]
Free Offer
SWET Publication: Wordcraft: English Writing, Editing, and Translation in Japan
Monthly Meeting Report
Hitting a Niche Market (SO)
Speaker: Caroline Pover, author and publisher of... more
March 20, 2002
Translation Software Problems
by Doreen Simmons
Open-minded Aunt Eva is no Luddite, but it has been increasingly coming to her attention that there is an awesome potential for error in the interface between technology and the human beings who are trying to use it. Here, she takes a realistic look at some of the pitfalls in relying too heavily on software that promises the... more
March 1, 2002
SWET Newsletter, Number 96
Meetings and Announcements
An Insider's Comments on Publishing in English in Japan [lecture; in-print as well as electronic]
Speaker: Terrie Lloyd, publisher, J@pan Inc.
Writing Bicultural Novels: Aspects of the Craft of Fiction [lecture]
Speaker: Holly Thompson, author of the novel Ash
IJET-13 Conference [announcement: International Japanese/English Translation]
Tokyo International Book Fair [announcement]
Monthly Meeting... more
December 15, 2001
Going on Record as Being Right
by Doreen Simmons
Ruminative Aunt Eva has recently been pondering the potential ethical gulf between knowing that you are right and going on record as saying so.
Dear Aunt Eva,
I am beginning to think that I was recently dealt a card from the bottom of the pack by a professor I know. He showed me three English sentences,... more