Swet Columns

For the Sake of a Book

by George Bourdaniotis and Richard Sadowsky

On September 10, 2006, Philip Harper, then chief sake brewer at Daimon Shuzō (aka Sakahan) in Katano, east Osaka, explained the intricacies of sake brewing and talked about his new book, The Book of Sake (Kodansha International, 2006) to SWET Kansai members. Color photos of the brewery tour are... more

SWET Newsletter, Numbers 113-114

In this issue:

Brewery Tour For the Sake of a Book • George Bourdaniotis and Richard Sadowsky Style Matters Sorting Out Korean Romanization • Lynne E. Riggs and Clark W. Sorensen SWET Events Kansai SWETers Aired (George Bourdaniotis) Translation as Editing and Writing (Tomoki Sakakibara, Damon Shulenberger, and Avery Udagawa) Translation and Editing (Lynne E. Riggs) SWET Member News Adventures in Editing (Kevin Cleary) Let’s English Correction! (Tim Young) Threads... more

Editorial Insights: The Book of Sake

by Barry Lancet

SWET asked Barry Lancet of Kodansha International, to recall the experience of working with Philip Harper on The Book of Sake, featured in the SWET Newsletter article here. His account offers an insider’s insights on how a book is born and reared and a glimpse of the hard work as well as enjoyment involved.

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The Fan Quest for Authenticity

by Jessi Nuss, Meghan Strong, and Amanda Te

The fan translation done by fans of anime, manga, and video games for their own satisfaction and desire to share seeks to render the originals “authentically.” Trends and approaches from fan translation can influence “official” published translations and afford ideas for professional translators.

The word “translation” usually brings to mind the vast world of... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 112

In this issue:

The Fan Quest for Authenticity • Jessi Nuss, Meghan Strong, and Amanda Te (In the print Newsletter, author given as “Amy Tan” should be “Amanda Te” on cover and p. 3; SWET apologizes to the author for this mistake.) JLPP Update: New NPO Established • Lynne E. Riggs and Sahara Ako SWET Events Sustaining Credibility (Stephen Lacey) Anime as Cross-Cultural Interface (Damon... more

Editorial Addendum

by Kim Schuefftan

SWET asked Kim Schuefftan, editor at Kodansha International from 1966 to 1989, subsequently working as a freelance editor from his base in the countryside north of Tokyo, to comment on his experience as editor working with Amy Katoh on Otafuku: The Joy of Japan. In November 1999, Schuefftan spoke to SWET, and a report of his talk may... more