Swet Columns

“Ask Aunt Eva” Reissued

by Kay Vreeland

Doreen Simmons has been in Japan since 1973, writing feature articles, editing, acting, recording, and with a sideline as one of the few foreign female Sumo experts, including being a live commentator on NHK’s worldwide satellite service. [See Newsletter No. 71, “A Day in the Life.”] From 1996 to 2003, she kept SWETers on the straight and narrow... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 116

June 2007 In this issue:

Translating from Japanese to English Burning the Bridge • Michael Emmerich Remembering Otis Cary Editing Memories in Two Languages • Beth Cary and Ann Cary SWET Events April Writers’ Café: Glory in the Writing (Lynne E. Riggs) May Workshop: Kathy Morikawa on Self-Publishing (Bryan Harrell) SWET Member News “Ask Aunt Eva” Reissued: Doreen Simmons interviewed by Kay Vreeland Ryūnosuke Revisited (Charles... more

Effective Onscreen Editing: New tools for an old profession

Reviewed by Kay Vreeland

Effective onscreen editing: New tools for an old profession, by Geoff Hart. Pointe-Claire, Quebec: Diaskeuasis Publishing, 2007. 723 pages. Ebook. ISBN 978-0-9783227-0-0. US$20 outside Canada.

Do you use MS Word or other applications to edit documents onscreen and think you know exactly how to do it? After using Geoff Hart’s eBook, based on his column... more

Mind the Gaffe!

Reviewed by Kay Vreeland

Mind the Gaffe! by R. L. Trask. New York: Harper, 2001, 2006. 290 pages. Paperback. ISBN-13: 978-0061132209; ISBN-10: 0061132209. $11.16; ¥1474.

Larry Trask led a double life—two countries, two careers, two wives—but he had one great passion for linguistics. Ranked by his peers with Noam Chomsky and Stephen Pinker, and author of classics on language, its history, and... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 115

April 2007 In this issue:

Interview: Nurturing Literature in Translation • Chad W. Post, interview by Ginny Tapley How We Got Here: Never a Dull Moment • Murata Keiko SWET Events “Skoal!” to SWET’s New Year (Amy Katsurada) February Forum and Book Fair (Lynne E. Riggs) SWET Member News Answers to Pet Peeves (Roo Heins) Presentations for Engineers (Hirai Michihiro) Threads on SWET-L Wikipedia, Engrish,... more

Nurturing Literature in Translation

by Ginny Tapley • Interview with Chad W. Post  Among initiatives aimed at stimulating interest in the English-speaking world for reading literature in translation is the work of Dalkey Archive Press and Reading the World. SWET interviewed Chad W. Post, who has been active in both these initiatives and whose career is devoted to encouraging translation and international literature. (This is the full... more