Swet Columns

SWET Newsletter, Number 97

Meetings and Announcements

The Future of Print Culture

Speaker: Alan Gleason, Dai-Nippon Printing

SWET Book Fair [announcement]

Web Site Updates [Webmaster and URL change]

What's ISO-SIG? (BH) [SWET education group: call for members]

Free Offer

SWET Publication: Wordcraft: English Writing, Editing, and Translation in Japan

Monthly Meeting Report

Hitting a Niche Market (SO)

Speaker: Caroline Pover, author and publisher of... more

Translation Software Problems

by Doreen Simmons

Open-minded Aunt Eva is no Luddite, but it has been increasingly coming to her attention that there is an awesome potential for error in the interface between technology and the human beings who are trying to use it. Here, she takes a realistic look at some of the pitfalls in relying too heavily on software that promises the... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 96

Meetings and Announcements

An Insider's Comments on Publishing in English in Japan [lecture; in-print as well as electronic]

Speaker: Terrie Lloyd, publisher, J@pan Inc.

Writing Bicultural Novels: Aspects of the Craft of Fiction [lecture]

Speaker: Holly Thompson, author of the novel Ash

IJET-13 Conference [announcement: International Japanese/English Translation]

Tokyo International Book Fair [announcement]

Monthly Meeting... more

Going on Record as Being Right

by Doreen Simmons

Ruminative Aunt Eva has recently been pondering the potential ethical gulf between knowing that you are right and going on record as saying so.

Dear Aunt Eva,

I am beginning to think that I was recently dealt a card from the bottom of the pack by a professor I know. He showed me three English sentences,... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 95

Meetings and Announcements

Online Dictionaries [lecture]

Speaker: Todd Rudick

Hitting a Niche Market [lecture]

Speaker: Caroline Pover, author and publisher of Being A Broad in Japan [daily-life information for Western women living in Japan]

New Year's Party [announcement and map]

Directory Update [call for changes and additions; deadline]

SWET Summer Party (PO1) [report]

SWET Swim Party... more

Beginning as We Mean to Go On

by Doreen Simmons

Somnolent Aunt Eva arouses herself to ruminate on a problem of status, real and apparent. How can we avoid projecting the wrong image, especially when even our own preconceptions are working against us?

Dear Aunt Eva,

(Or should that be “Ms Hartupp”? You see, I’ve suddenly become sensitive about handles.) But I’m jumping into the middle... more