Swet Columns
September 1, 2001
SWET Newsletter, Number 94
Create Your Own Web Site at the September Workshop [announcement]
Presenter: Keith Wilkinson, computer expert
Producing the Nikkei Weekly [lecture announcement]
Speaker: Robert Cameron, Nikkei Weekly
Japan's English-Language Periodicals [panel announcement]
Panelists: [not announced]
Monthly Meeting Reports
Unpacking Our Cultural Baggage (RSMcC) [factors influencing our writing for other cultures]
Presenter: Alan Brender, director of Writing Programs, Temple University... more
June 16, 2001
Beyond Word Processing
Dr. Kevin Cleary, SWET member and lecturer in computers and accounting at Sophia University, talked to a small but enthusiastic group of SWET members about some of the power of modern technology, Cleary’s explanations of other ways of using computers productively were very welcome indeed.
Cleary introduced himself by saying that although he had been aware of... more
June 1, 2001
SWET Newsletter, Number 93
Sizzle with SWET: Summer Party 2001 [announcement]
Join the Kansai Dip: SWET Swim Party in Kobe [announcement]
SWET on Thursdays
Taming Your E-mail [workshop announcement: e-mail operations and functions]
Presenters: Hugh Ashton, technical writer; Sako Eaton, editor/teacher
Monthly Meeting Reports
Quality Issues in Online Education: Status and Impact of Global Web-Based Training (WMcO) [lecture]
Presenter: Dr. Lynne A. McNamara, director of... more
March 1, 2001
SWET Newsletter, Number 92
SWET on Thursdays: Spring Events [announcements]
Unpacking Our Cultural Baggage
Presenter: Alan Brender, director of Writing Programs, Temple University Japan
Quality Issues in Online Education: Status and Impact of Global Web-Based Training
Presenter: Dr. Lynne A. McNamara, director of program development for Asia, University of Maryland University College
Working with Other People's Words [editing stages... more
December 15, 2000
The Finagle Factor
by Doreen Simmons
This time our lovable old tabby takes a rather jaundiced look at the great "Finagle Factor" of Japan: that which, added to any equation, makes it come out in the speaker's favor. In other words, how do we cope with people who are always right?
Dear Aunt Eva,
I am a professional sub-editor, and as a... more
December 1, 2000
SWET Newsletter, Number 91
SWET on Thursdays: Winter Events [announcements]
Control Your Data: Spreadsheet, Database, and Accounting Software for Editors [workshop]
Presenter: Kevin Cleary, computer and accounting instructor, Sophia University
Quality in Online Education: Status and Impact of Global Web-based Training [lecture]
Presenter: Dr. Lynne A. McNamara, director of program development for Asia, University of Maryland University College
New Year's Party... more