Swet Columns

Thinking Forward: SWET Starts Its Fourth Decade

by Lynne E. Riggs

Only a few blocks away from the apartment building in Aoyama where, in November 1980, 100 writers, editors, translators, and others of their kind had gathered and founded SWET, 33 SWETers—young, not-so-young, and 30 years older—gathered at the Wesley Center on November 3, 2010 to celebrate the beginning of SWET’s fourth decade. Remarks by James Baxter, Janine... more

A Writer’s Look at the iPad (2011)

by Lem Fugitt

Lem Fugitt is a Tokyo-based geek-about-town, using his experience in technology and business to write regularly on items of technical interest. He writes here about his recent conversion to a new way of putting thoughts into written words.

If anyone had asked me back in March 2010 if there was anything I really wanted or... more

SWET Newsletter, No. 127

Translating from Japanese to English Translation as a Teaching and Learning Tool • Ann Cary English Writing in Japan Japan Writers Conference 2010: Highlights • John Gribble There’s No Business Like Po’ Business • John Gribble and Bern Mulvey EFL Publishing in Japan: Myths and Realities • Todd Jay Leonard Publish and Perish: Lessons in the Magazine Market • Peter Mallett Seven Things I’ve Learned About Writing... more

Stonewalling Clients and Timely Usage

by Torkil Christensen

SWET-L, the open mailing list for SWET and people interested in matters of concern to professional writers, editors, and translators, is an ever-reliable source of helpful and timely advice, keeping listers abreast of new crinkles in English.

This installment of the events on SWET-L brings us up to the end of 2010. Here you will learn... more

Literary Translation: Interpretation and Permutation

Reviewed by Edward Lipsett

I don’t read French, and to be honest if I ever knew who Apollinaire was, I’ve forgotten. When I read a review of this book in the summer 2009 issue of the BCLT1 journal In Other Words though, it sounded like something that I would really enjoy reading, for the same reason that I read and thoroughly... more

SWET Newsletter, No. 126

Translating from Japanese to English Summer School Workshop: Translating Tawada Yōko · Ginny Tapley Takemori SWET Events Rebecca Otowa on Writing At Home in Japan • Avery Udagawa Alternative Luxuries in Rural Japan: An Interview with Andy Couturier · Suzanne Kamata SWET Cyber Matters In the Jerry-built Edifice of English and Editing as Mentoring • Torkil Christensen Book Review Literary Translation: Interpretation and Permutation • Edward... more