September Meet-up via Zoom: Editor Talk and Tales
Date: Friday evening, Sept. 20 (North American time zones); Saturday morning, Sept. 21 (Japan)
Time: 8:00–10:00 p.m. EDT; 9:00–11:00 a.m. JST
Calling all editors! Where are you and what sorts of work are you doing?
• Is the creeping influence of AI starting to show up in your manuscripts? What do you do?
• Do you have editors to pass work on to when your hands are full, or, say, when you want to retire? Would you like to be one of those on the receiving end?
• The new 18th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style is now available online and in print, and the detailed list of the major changes therein is publicly available. How do the changes fit with those of us editing Japan-related content?
• What is the balance of in-print versus web-related work coming in over your desktop? What are their special challenges in this always-online era?
Let’s share some cyberspace and “talk editing” for a couple of hours.
Register in advance for this meeting here.