
SWET Newsletter, Number 85

SWET on Thursdays [event announcements]

Writing Workshop [support, critiquing]

Leader: Tim Young, writer

Writing with Pictures [famous Japanese documentary photographs]

Leader: Phil Ono, photographer

Narration and Script Translation [writing for narrators and listeners]

Presenters: Tom Gally, translator; Doreen Simmons, narrator

From the Trenches

Translating Popular Fiction 2 (PG) [fiction categories of U.S. publishers]

SWET in... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 84

Regular SWET Meetings Begin [event announcements]

Translation 101 [advice for beginning translators]

Presenter: Fred Uleman, translator

Researching, Writing, Publishing, and Promoting Non-fiction Books

Presenter: Mark Schilling, non-fiction writer

Writers' Forum [invitation to gather for mutual support and critiquing]

Proposer: Tim Young, writer

1999 SWET Book Fair [announcement]

Over Their Shoulders: Translation as a Team Process (LER,... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 83

A Published Novelist Tells (Almost) All (PH)

       Subheadings: The Writing Life, On Getting Published, Business Matters

Dear Aunt Eva (DS) [a client's-eye view of "high-quality" English]

Directory Updates Please! [call for changes, additions]

Cyberjargon Corner: A guide for the perplexed (PF)

cybonics; dotspeak; e-commerce; eyeballs; Internetesia; Johnny E-lately; leaky Windows; net noir; Office 1900; streaming; technorealist; Webographics; Webonomics; Web portals

Book Review (LER)


SWET Newsletter, Number 82

An Author's View of Publishing (DD)

Featured: Judith Clancy

Subheadings: Inception of a Book; Publishing Realities; Marketing Footwork; Worth the Price

Dear Aunt Eva (DS) [working with a partner: agreeing on work policies]

Random Sample: What are the Three Treasures on Your Desk? (RSM) [favorite low-tech items]

Featured: Susumu Ando, technical translator; Anthony Charlton, translator/editor/write; Gerry Harcourt, translator; Murray... more

Picky Partner

by Doreen Simmons

Business partnerships, like marriages, can easily get derailed without toleration, cooperation, and mutual understand of the partners’ intended roles. Aunt Eva casts a seasoned eye over the hazards, and shepherds us along the path of harmony.

Dear Aunt Eva,

My friend Adam Ant and I recently formed a partnership to do translation and editing work. Already,... more

Teacher to Rewriter

by Doreen Simmons

It takes courage to change not only your job but also your career; but it is becoming increasingly common.  A correspondent wonders aloud whether she has all her skills in place for the change. Aunt Eva, who has already had several of her proverbial nine lives, offers a few basic suggestions.

Dear Aunt Eva:

Tiring of... more