Swet Columns

SWET Newsletter, Number 83

A Published Novelist Tells (Almost) All (PH)

       Subheadings: The Writing Life, On Getting Published, Business Matters

Dear Aunt Eva (DS) [a client's-eye view of "high-quality" English]

Directory Updates Please! [call for changes, additions]

Cyberjargon Corner: A guide for the perplexed (PF)

cybonics; dotspeak; e-commerce; eyeballs; Internetesia; Johnny E-lately; leaky Windows; net noir; Office 1900; streaming; technorealist; Webographics; Webonomics; Web portals

Book Review (LER)


SWET Newsletter, Number 82

An Author's View of Publishing (DD)

Featured: Judith Clancy

Subheadings: Inception of a Book; Publishing Realities; Marketing Footwork; Worth the Price

Dear Aunt Eva (DS) [working with a partner: agreeing on work policies]

Random Sample: What are the Three Treasures on Your Desk? (RSM) [favorite low-tech items]

Featured: Susumu Ando, technical translator; Anthony Charlton, translator/editor/write; Gerry Harcourt, translator; Murray... more

Picky Partner

by Doreen Simmons

Business partnerships, like marriages, can easily get derailed without toleration, cooperation, and mutual understand of the partners’ intended roles. Aunt Eva casts a seasoned eye over the hazards, and shepherds us along the path of harmony.

Dear Aunt Eva,

My friend Adam Ant and I recently formed a partnership to do translation and editing work. Already,... more

Teacher to Rewriter

by Doreen Simmons

It takes courage to change not only your job but also your career; but it is becoming increasingly common.  A correspondent wonders aloud whether she has all her skills in place for the change. Aunt Eva, who has already had several of her proverbial nine lives, offers a few basic suggestions.

Dear Aunt Eva:

Tiring of... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 81

Summer Party 1998 [announcement and map]

Retirement/Healthcare Planning Seminar (CY) [report]

Speakers: Chris Lovering, Banner Overseas Financial Services; Alison Pockett, Magellan Tresidder Tuohy; Meredith Enman Maruyama, co-author of Japan Health Handbook

Dear Aunt Eva (DS) [advice to the neophyte proofreader-rewriter]

Japan Style Sheet celebrated [report: launch of revised edition]

Spreading the JSS Word [Japan Style Sheet availability details]

1998 SWET Book Fair [report]

Book Review... more

Suddenly Dropped

by Doreen Simmons

What do we do when we are suddenly given the cold shoulder by a client or told that we aren’t needed after a long and mutually beneficial relationship? It can be infuriating or deeply traumatic. It helps to know that there is more than meets the eye, and not to lose faith in ourselves. Kindly Aunt Eva has... more