Swet Columns
July 18, 1997
Protecting Clients from Themselves
by Doreen Simmons
Aunt Eva is in a thoughtful vein this time, as she examines the tactical and ethical problems of trying to give the clients what they need, rather than what they want.
Dear Aunt Eva, An editor friend of mine recently told me his job sometimes included “protecting clients from themselves.” I don’t recall seeing any such... more
May 19, 1997
SWET Newsletter, Number 75
The Invisible Hand: Inventing Newsletters and Other Legerdemain [workshop announcement: graphic design of newsletters, periodicals]
Leader: Arnie Olds
Annual Book Sale [report]
Book Review (DD)
Book: The Plain English Guide: How to Write Clearly and Communicate Better
Dear Aunt Eva (DS) ["appreciate you(r) calling"]
"Getting Published" (BS) [seminar report]
Seminar: "Are You a Writer Who Wants to Get Published?"
Panel:... more
March 21, 1997
Kyodo: Reuter vs. AP
by Doreen Simmons
Lovable Aunt Eva once again unsheathes her kindly old claws to tackle something on your behalf.
Dear Aunt Eva,
I am a Japanese translator with a doctorate in communications from an American university. Although I know that it is preferable to work from a foreign language into one’s own, I am often not able to do... more
March 19, 1997
SWET Newsletter, Number 74
Spring Book Fair [announcement]
Machine Translation Tour [announcement]
Dear Aunt Eva (DS) [cultural imperialism]
Quickie Question [misuse of of for 've]
IJET 97 Approaches (FMU) [announcement: international conference]
The Question of Collaborative Translation: Translating Ooka Makoto (HS) [working with a poet]
A Day in the Life [one SWETer's workday]
Featured: Gerry Harcourt, translator
Publishing Studies in Scotland: A Review (MJ) [report: master's degree program]
December 19, 1996
SWET Newsletter, Number 73
Winter Party [announcement]
1997 Directory Updates [call for changes, additions]
Copyright in Print and Online (BD) [workshop: copyright issues]
Speakers: James Nelson, Bernhard Steves
Subheadings: Is the work subject to copyright?; Is it an idea or an expression?; Do exceptions apply?; Is copyright ownership clear?; Other aspects of copyright ownership; Brass tacks [Q&A]; Copyright and cyberspace
List: Copyright references... more
December 19, 1996
Locally-invented Idiolects at Work
by Doreen Simmons
Once again kindly Aunt Eva is here to cluck over your problems and give you a shoulder to cry on. You take her advice at your own risk, of course; only you can gauge your own situation.
Dear Aunt Eva,
My native tongue is U.K.ish, not U.S.ian—that much I will grant. But after fifteen years in... more