Swet Columns
April 1, 1998
SWET Newsletter, Number 80
Coming Soon! New SWET Publication [announcement]
Publication: Japan Style Sheet
Retirement Planning Seminar [announcement]
Speakers: Trevor Reynolds, Greg Mulcahy, Joelle Livnat of Banner Overseas Financial Services; Alison Pockett of Magellan Tresidder Tuohy; Meredith Enman Maruyama, co-author of Japan Health Handbook
Dear Aunt Eva (DS) [defending/rebuilding one's professional reputation]
Performance and Perseverance (LER) [report: lecture]
Speaker: Juliet Carpenter, literary translator
Cyberjargon Corner... more
March 18, 1998
Moving to Computer and Internet
by Doreen Simmons
Aunt Eva, that dear wired-up old tabby, turns her benevolent gaze upon the question of upgrading: do we or don’t we?
Dear Aunt Eva:
All my friends (editors, translators, copywriters) are turning in their pencils and fax machines for computers and e-mail. It looks like an expensive change, with a serious learning curve. Is this necessary?... more
March 15, 1998
SWET Newsletter, Number 79
Annual SWET Book Fair
SWET Kansai Relaunched [lecture announcement]
Speaker: Juliet Carpenter, literary translator
Calling All Translators: IJET-9 (FMU) [announcement: international conference
Map to Temple University Japan for SWET Book Sale]
More Kansai Events
April SWET Kansai event [demonstration of dictionaries and other electronic tools for Mac-based translators]
Demonstrator: Richard Sadowsky
Of Professional Interest [industry show]
Event: Japan Print '98 Printing... more
December 19, 1997
SWET Newsletter, Number 78
Lecture and New Year Party [announcement]
The New Nelson's: Behind the Scenes (LER) [Q&A with project supervisor Prof. John L. Haig]
Book: The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary
Towards Greater Linguistic Literacy (CMDeW) [bases of systems for romanizing Japanese]
Political Translation Seminar [announcement: seminar, advanced series]
Leader: Fred Uleman [announcement: planned seminar, advanced series]
Copywriting Seminar [announcement: planned seminar, advanced series]
October 19, 1997
SWET Newsletter, Number 77
Master Classes Launched [introduction of expert workshop series]
Patent Translation for U.S. Filing [announcement: master class workshop]
Leader: Bill Lise
Rewriting as Retranslating [announcement: master class workshop]
Leader: Lynne Riggs
SWET Interview (MS)
Featured: John Bester, book translator
A Day in the Life [one SWETer's workday]
Featured: Cathy Hirano, translator
Cyberjargon Corner (PF) [Internet slang]
List Lingo: bounced mail; SIG;... more
July 19, 1997
SWET Newsletter, Number 76
Summer Lecture and Party [announcement]
Speaker: Glen S. Fukushima, Vice President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and Vice President of AT&T Japan, Ltd.
The Fun (and Frustration) of Translating Sazae-san (JY) [translating a classic Japanese comic strip]
SWET Master Classes [announcement: future expert workshop series]
Book Fair News (CY) [announcement]
Dear Aunt Eva (DS) [giving clients what they need rather... more