Swet Columns
March 19, 1996
SWET Newsletter, Number 69
New Year's Party Ponderings (LER) [party report; SWET and industry retrospective]
IJET Time Again (FMU) [conference announcement: International Japanese-English Translation]
A Day in the Life (MS)
Featured: Mark Schilling, journalist and translator
Dear Aunt Eva [maintaining high standards in English]
Quickie Question [types of errors not covered by checking programs]
Living with Cable TV (JA) [program offerings and content]
Eyeing an Opportunity (KM)... more
January 26, 1996
Interference by Overconfident Japanese
by Doreen Simmons
Need a friendly ear to pour your troubles into? A shoulder to cry on? Somebody, anybody, to whinge at? Write to Aunt Eva, who has been through it all and can share your pain. The names are changed but the situations are real.
Dear Aunt Eva:
I work as a checker and rewriter. I thought... more
January 19, 1996
SWET Newsletter, Number 68
Winter Party [announcement]
Charging for Freelance Work (MMcD) [considerations]
Dear Aunt Eva [coping with client's unreasonable changes]
Quickie Question [sewage versus sewerage]
A Day in the Life (BH)
Featured: Bryan Harrell, freelance copy editor
Repeat After Me (FMU) [book review]
Book: Living Japanese: A Modern Reader
More From your DTP Software? (ref: LER) [future workshops: PageMaker, QuarkXPress]
... moreDecember 19, 1995
SWET Newsletter, Number 67 [Fifteenth Anniversary Issue]
Newsletter Editing: – Voices of Experience (LER) [panel report]
Panelists: Bryan Harrell; Lyneve Rappell, The Language Teacher; Stephanie Morino, Partner; Lynne Riggs, The Japan Foundation Newsletter; Susie Schmidt, SWET Newsletter
With a Little Help from Their Friends (GH) [checking with native-Japanese speakers]
Contributors: Beth Cary, Lis-Brit Dalkarl, Gavin Frew, Gerry Harcourt, Bryan Harrell, Bill Lise, Martha McClintock, Lynne Riggs,... more
July 19, 1995
SWET Newsletter, Number 66
Summer Party [announcement]
Town Meeting (ref: SS) [report: June; re Newsletter; announcement: July]
IJET-6 in Vancouver (FMU) [conference report: International Japanese-English Translation]
Writing the Book Review (JD) [considerations]
For Your Reference (EO) [SWETers' favorite fact-checking resources]
Contributors: Paul Cipywynk, Robert Juhl, Leanne Eames Ishibashi, Heinz Kuhlmann, Christopher Moreby, Susumu Morita, Philip Ouellet, Atsuko Shioya, Michio Tokita.
More on Inclusive Language (ER) [translating kodomo: pronoun... more
May 19, 1995
SWET Newsletter, Number 65
Town Meeting [SWET meeting announcement]
Telecommunications Workshop for Macintosh Users [workshop announcement]
Leader: Keith Wilkinson
Books Change Hands [SWET book fair report]
Can Translation Be Taught? (JW) [considerations]
Found in Passing (BdeM) [Internet board: Technical Writers]
Editor's Corner: Preparing for the New Realities (DD) [professional training resources]
Subheadings: Correspondence Courses through U.S. Department of Agriculture; University Courses in Japan
Do-It-Yourself Publishing [call for input... more