Swet Columns

SWET Newsletter, Number 58

Winter Party [announcement]

Publishers and Publishing [lecture announcement]

Speaker: Beth Kirsner, independent U.S. publisher

Tokyo Book Fair [announcement]

Translation á la Carte (GH) [panel discussion report]

Panelists: Andy Graham, Gaynor Sekimori, Ed Chmura

Kansai Notes (RS) [workshop reports]

Subheadings: Translators' workshop; Resume writing

IJET-5 Taking Off [conference report: International Japanese-English Translation]

True to Type (BD) [printer output resolution quality; read-direction of vertical photo... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 57

Translators' Roundtable [Kansai forum announcement]

Speakers: John Munroe, Don Todt, Richard Sadowsky

Directory Update [submission instructions; address label information]

It's Your Newsletter [call for contributions]

Translating Vs. Interpreting (ER) [differences: spoken vs. written, culture-specific standards]

Book Mavin at Work (JR) [reviews]

Books: Honk If You're a Writer: Unabashed Advice, Undiluted Experience, and Unadulterated Inspiration for Writers and Writers-to-Be; The Tools of the... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 56

What Do Translators Do? [panel discussion announcement]

Panelists: Andy Graham, Gaynor Sekimori, Ed Chmura

Cancellation [Kyoto typography workshop cancelled]

How to Lose Dues (JS) [problems with member information received]

IJET-4: Report from Down Under (FMU) ]conference report: International Japanese-English Translation]

True to Type (BD) [producing macrons on a Macintosh computer]

Survival Tips: International Express Mail [details of use]

Book Mavin at Work (JR) [review]

SWET Newsletter, Number 55

Summer Beer Party [announcement]

SWET Goes Electronic [on-line with TWICS]

Dues News [application of new rate adjusted to member's renewal date]

Rough Words (JS) [compromise versus compromising; participials first]

Over Their Shoulders: The Editor's Red Pencil [edit/rewrite comparisons: essay]

Editors/rewriters: Murray Jackson, Gretchen Mittwer, Kathy Ono; "phantom editor"

One Writer's Markets (KM) [process of writing and marketing articles]

A Translator Interprets (BL) [experiences: legal interpreting]

True... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 54

Computer Skills Workshop (ref: RS) [workshop announcement: Macintosh for writers, editors, translators]

SWET's New Address [change to Asaka-shi, Saitama; also new fax]

Dues Rising [from Y3000 to Y5000]

1993 Directory Published [issuance announcement]

Book Fair [report]

Freelancing in Kansai (RS) [Kansai lecture report]

Speaker: Rich Blumm, writer

High Finance (RS) [Kansai lecture report]

Speaker: Robert Imrei, investment counselor and financial writer

Topics: Japanese income taxes; U.S. income... more

SWET Newsletter, Number 53

Spring Book Fair [announcement]

1993 SWET Directory [issuance announcement]

New Year Party [announcement]

News from Kansai [future workshops: financial panning, freelance writing, computer skills, typography]

Modem Clinic (MZ) [workshop report]

Leader: Keith Wilkinson. Also Patrick Hochner, P&A BBS; Tim Burress, TWICS

Becoming Typographically Literate (JS) [workshop announcement]

Leader: Becky Davis

In Memoriam [obituary: Donald L. Philippi, 1930-1993]

Freelancing in the Country (JR) [working rurally]

IJET-4 [conference... more