
Meeting of the Central Japan Literature Society

The Central Japan Literature Society announces its inaugural event, details below. Please join them for an afternoon of discussion and sharing involving literary works. (For this meeting, most work will be in English; other languages are possible if accompanied by English or Japanese translations.)  This meeting is open to everyone; all are welcome.


Date and time: Saturday, May 9, from 3:00... more

Writers in Kyoto: Launch in Spring 2015

Writers in Kyoto will be launched on April 19 with a talk by Amy Chavez of Japan Times and Rocket News fame.  Her title is ‘Things I wish someone had told me before becoming a freelance writer in Japan’, and the talk is open to everyone.  (Place: Roars Pub, talk starts at 5.00.  Drinks available beforehand from 4.30.  Cost... more

Juliet Winters Carpenter on “Conundrums of Literary Translation”

International House of Japan, Tokyo


What is translation, and what is a literary translation? After a half-century of translating, Professor Carpenter is still looking for answers to these and other questions; however, she will share with us her insights gleaned from various translations of authors, with particular emphasis on her recent translations of Minae Mizumura's works.

Date: Wednesday, May 13, 6:00-7:30... more

Upcoming May SWET Talk Shop: Transcribing

Date: May 20, 2015 (Wednesday) Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m. Place: Books on Japan (library), Jinbocho, Tokyo; use the A2 exit of Jinbocho subway station; turn left at street level and walk about 12 steps; the "Books on Japan" flag hangs over the doorway and a stairway leads up to the library on the second floor. Fee: No fee will be charged. RSVP: Please let us... more

Fiction Writing Talk and Workshop

Instructor: Barry Lancet, author of Japantown and Tokyo Kill Date: May 10, 2015 (Sunday) Time: Lecture session 2:00-3:30 p.m.; Workshop session 3:45-5:00 p.m. Lecture and/or workshop fee: 1,000 yen 

Place: Wesley Center, Room 204

RSVP: If you want to have a manuscript critiqued during the workshop portion, please let us know by email in advance at SWET.


Fiction of all types has a few... more

SWET Remembers: Fourth Anniversary of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

Many SWET members and their associates continue to be involved in projects supporting 3.11-affected areas of the Tohoku region and our own bookshelves and offices are just as vulnerable to the earth's shaking as ever. Articles compiled in the SWET Newsletter, Nos. 128 and 130 vividly recall the events and impressions of those fearful and grievous days. In remembrance, these... more