Swet Columns

Steering Committee Meeting, May 1, 2022

Eleven members of the SWET Steering Committee met online to discuss pending issues and consider plans for 2022. The main topic was the proposal led by Winnie Bird for a SWET mentorship project, organized to facilitate know-how sharing among members and help us enhance our skills. SC supports this initiative and three members agreed to join Winnie as... more

英文中の All Caps (全大文字表記) の問題

日本では英文書式について正式に学ぶ機会があまりないためか、日本人クライアントと英語圏の翻訳者・編集者とのあいだで、書式をめぐっての問題が起こります。その中の一つが、All Caps、つまり、Tanaka を TANAKA というふうに、すべてを大文字にする表記法です。... more

All Caps: A Practical Guide

In English, text in “all caps” (or “full caps”) typically signifies either extreme emphasis (“shouting”) or the presence of an acronym. There are a few other traditional uses—notably in the styling of government forms, legal contracts, and road signs, though the use of all caps on road signs and contracts has come under scrutiny.

One reason for... more


(English-language companion article here.)

英文を案内版やウェブページで表示する際に、編集やデザイン、その業務の担当者が忘れてはならない「英文表記のルール」があります。それ... more

Six Simple Rules for No-Fail Texts and Signage

Wordsmiths in Japan are often concerned when the English texts they produce are ready for layout and design and want to explain to their clients the pitfalls involved. To support efforts to educate clients tackling English-language layout and design, SWET has prepared this article in conjunction with a Japanese-language companion article. These articles explain six best-practice rules for formatting English... more

Modern Colloquialisms Japanese-English

Nichibei kogo jiten, ketteiban/Modern Colloquialisms Japanese-English. Third Edition, 1,308 pages, Asahi Press, 2021. ISBN 978-4-255-01214-8 C0582.

Among the tools available to translators, writers, and students of English and Japanese of all sorts, Modern Colloquialisms (MC) has been a standard for more than 40 years. It was published in 1977 under the supervision of scholar and translator Edward G.... more