Suggested keywords: translator, interpreter, Tokyo, Shizuoka Prefecture, editor, freelance, first name, last name
Location:Tokyo, Japan
I have worked as a translator, journalist, and editor in a variety of capacities since 1991. As a translator, I have worked on materials ranging from a political science works about Prime Minister Koizumi (Routledge, 2009), to a history of Japanese diplomacy (JPIC, 2022), to a company history of Hitachi; from urban planning documents for various municipalities in the Kansai region to quality control materials for an automobile manufacturer; and from marketing materials and annual reports to tourism and museum brochures.
My journalism experience includes four years at a trade magazine covering the amusement machine business, one year at a Japanese newspaper, and two-and-a-half years as a general news reporter for the Associated Press. I have written about everything from video games and stock market crashes to Japanese election campaigns and people who restore old houses. I also edited a political science and international affairs journal for five years, and just to round out the picture am also completing a dissertation in modern Japanese history for the University of California, Berkeley.
For fun, I write music and play guitar in indie rock bands. I also like to explore Tokyo by bicycle and investigate new cookbooks.
Contact Carl Freire via email:
Occupation:Translator, editor, artist, poet, teacher
Location:Shiga, Japan
A native of Michigan, I have lived in Japan for over three decades. I taught in the Japanese school system for much of that time, doing translation on the side, while raising three children in a traditional extended family household.
I’m now teaching English at a university. I’m also an artist. I mainly do watercolors of Japanese nature, and have exhibited some of my works in juried shows.
I write poetry too, including haiku and “tanka.” I’ve won some awards for it, and had some poems published. I’ve also contributed articles about Japanese customs to a website.
In my spare time I love to go hiking in the mountains and take photos of wild flowers and so on.
Contact Jeanette May Fukao via email:
Occupation:Freelance editor/rewriter/copywriter (retired)
Location:Ibaraki, Japan
New Zealand citizen; permanent resident of Japan.
Occupation:Freelance translator/librarian
Location:MA, United States
Additional website:
Location:Gunma, Japan
I’m from Los Angeles, California.
I studied at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and hold a BA in Japanese Language and Literature, along with a BA in Linguistics. I also studied at Tokyo International Christian University and hold a certificate in Japanese studies.
I have worked as an Assistant Language Teacher on the JET program and as a freelance translator. Currently, I am a the managing editor for JAST Create. My specialities are manga translation and project management.
Contact David Goldberg via email:
Occupation:Professor and Writer of EFL Textbooks & Travel, Nature, and Culture Articles
Location:Niigata, Japan
Additional website:
I am addicted to writing and Japanese hot springs. Luckily for me, these addictions are beneficial for my mental and physical health. Developing relationships with other avid writers would bring me joy. If interested in my writing, please look at my blog, or Google my name to read my online articles and to read about my textbooks. I look forward to comments and questions, so please contact me anytime.
Contact Greg Goodmacher via email:
Location:Tokyo, Japan
Additional website:
I’m a British author and writer based in Tokyo, creating award-winning work for clients that have ranged from National Geographic Traveler and BBC Travel to CNBC, the Independent, and some 100 other media companies around the globe.
Feature length or short, I like to tell stories, whether that’s about the sumo bulls of the Oki Islands, the traditional paper-makers of Echizen or the cat that saved a Japanese railway. I enjoy more in-depth projects, too, working on a variety of travel- and culture-related branded content campaigns with companies such as BBC Story Works, the Economist and Reuters Plus. These have included scripting an animated short for the BBC and traveling extensively to create in-depth social media content on a year-long Facebook project for the region of Japan that was devastated by the 2011 tsunami.
I’ve also edited and updated close to 20 books on Japan (for Fodors, Dorling Kindersley, Insight Guides, and others) and have authored seven of my own, including Japanese Inns & Hot Springs and the NATJA 2018 Gold-winning Japan Traveler’s Companion.
Besides SWET, I’m a member of the British Guild of Travel Writers and the North American Travel Journalist Association.
Occupation:Company employee
Location:千葉県, Japan
Additional website:
Born in the UK, I came to Japan in 1994 to complete a MSc course in Japanese Studies. I live near Tokyo with my wife and daughter. I work for a Japanese IT company and write short stories and children’s stories in my spare time.
“On The Beach” - a children’s story collection.
“The Winter Visitor” - a story in the “On The Beach” series.
“Takeout Sushi” -a short story collection for adults. Due May 2024.
「On The Beach」 - 英語児童書。
「The Winter Visitor」 - 「On The Beach」英語児童書シリーズのもう一つの物語。
『Takeout Sushi』 - 大人向けの短編小説集。2024年5月出版予定。
Contact Christopher Green via email:
Location:Tokyo, Japan
Larry Greenberg grew up in New York and came to Japan in 1985 after earning a degree in international relations from Williams College in Massachusetts. After learning Japanese and working as a translator, Larry established Urban Connections in Tokyo in 1990. For over 25 years, the company has provided translation, interpreting, and other communication services to clients in corporate communications, public relations, and market research sectors. The company specializes in producing accurate, reliable, and polished translations with a team of translators, checkers, and editors with advanced knowledge of a myriad of subjects. As founder and CEO, Larry plays a hands-on role in the company, utilizing his expertise to meet the needs of diverse high-level clients, including Japanese government organizations and ministries, major corporations, NPOs, and technology and media companies.
1964年生まれ、ニューヨーク育ち。Williams Collegeで国際政治を専攻した後、1985年来日。日米会話学院で日本語を学び、1987年に日本語能力試験1級を取得後、翻訳活動開始。1990年4月に株式会社アーバン・コネクションズを設立。海外へ日本の情報を発信する。2000年に子会社として株式会社デジタル・ミームを設立。日本の映像文化を海外に紹介。アーバン・コネクションズ設立25周年を機に、今後のコミュニケーションサービス会社としての在り方を模索し続けている。
Contact Larry Greenberg via email:
Location:Tokyo, Japan
President Aphacom Company, Ltd.
419, 4-2-5 Nishikasai, Edogawa-ku Tokyo, Japan 134-0088
Business Information: Alphacom Company, Ltd. provides consultation, branding, and public relations planning services to a diverse clientele. Established in 1983, the Company operates as a translation and interpretation business and offers services during conferences to promote understanding among representatives of numerous nationalities. The Company mainly focuses on supply services in the area of marketing and sales promotions and operates four locations throughout Japan. Employing a staff of 15 professionals, Alphacom Company, Ltd. organizes exhibitions, promotes services, and provides management consultation. Mr. Hagiwara founded the Company and presently fulfills his responsibilities in the position of President. In this capacity, he creates the general goals and policies of the Company based upon consumer demand. Mr. Hagiwara also focuses on managing the completion of operations on a daily basis and planning the next area of the industry to expand operations. Working closely with the staff, he additionally schedules training and promotes maximum efficiency using innovative techniques. Looking toward the future, Mr. Hagiwara will draw upon his professional expertise to expand the operations of Alphacom Company, Ltd. into the Chinese market.
Career Steps:
President, Alphacom Company, Ltd. (1983-Present);Planning Division Manager, Asian Advertisers, Inc. (2000); Sales Division Manager, DHC (1978).Associations & Accomplishments: Japan Project Management
Japanese Association of Risk Management; Japan Society of Management Information; Japanese Association of Exhibition; Japan Event Producers Association.
Dokkyo University, Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (1975).
Personal Information:
Married to Noriko in 1979. One child: Yosuke. Mr. Hagiwara enjoys golf, reading, and watching sports events.
Contact Osami Hagiwara via email:
Location:Ibaraki, Japan
I am a translator, writer, and editor working in Japan.
Past projects have been commissioned by the Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto National Museum, Nara National Museum, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Center for Intercultural Communication, Mainichi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, and NHK Promotions.
See website for recent projects:
·レベッカ・ハーモン「英語圏の文化財の解説における技術的・文化的変化が及ぼす影響 について」『奈良文化財研究所研究報告38:文化財多言語化研究報告3』独立行政法人国立文化財機構 奈良文化財研究所 2023年3月
·金沢市ユネスコ無形文化財遺産活用推進実行委員会、レベッカ・ハーモン(訳)、Zackary Kaplan(訳)「縁付金箔調査研究報告書」(2023年3月)
·東京国立博物館,毎日新聞社、レベッカ・ハーモン(訳)、ミウォシュ・ヴォズニ(訳)「東京国立博物館創立百五十年記念特別展 国宝 東京国立博物館の全て」(2022年10月)
Contact Rebekah Harmon via email:
Occupation:J-E literary translator.
Location:Kanagawa, Japan
Published translations include
2020 various short short stories by Japanese authors including Mizuki Tsujimura, Kozue Osaki, Kanae Minato, Alice Arisugawa, Takemaru Abiko for Day to Day on Kodansha’s
2019 The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo
2019 Murder in the Crooked House by Soji Shimada
2018 Seventeen by Hideo Yokoyama
2017 Ms Ice Sandwich by Mieko Kawakami
2017 The island of Expectation by Ito Ogawa
2016 松本清張の「聞かなかった場所」A Quiet Place by Seicho Matsumoto, Bitter Lemon Press
2012 川上未映子「乳と卵」Excerpt from Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami, Words Without Borders、August 2012
2012 富岡多恵子「波うつ土地」Building Waves by Taeko Tomioka, Dalkey Archive Press
2007 天藤湘子「極道な月 Yakuza Moon by Shoko Tendo, Kodansha International
2006 大道珠貴「ミルク」Milk, by Tamaki Daido, (appeared in short story anthology Inside) Kodansha International
Contact Louise Heal Kawai via email:
Occupation:Translator; Language consulting (education/learnig, testing)
Location:Kanagawa, Japan
Additional website:
- University of Tokyo (Faculty of Engineering) (BE in 1965)
- University of Pennsylvania (Moore School of Electrical Engineering) (MSE in 1973)
- Gijutsushi (Professional/Consulting Engineer) (in Information Technology)
- 50 top-grade English qualifications (= Japanese record certified by Nippon-1 Net
( (including ATA Translation (JE & EJ), JTA, TOEIC full score, Cambridge CPE
Grade A, Honyaku Kentei 1st Grade (JE, EJ), and RCT Advanced Professional Translator (APT))
- Interpreter/Guide (German)
Work experience:
- University Lecturer (technical English) (2008 - 2009; 2011; 2013 - 2016)
- University Professor (technical English) (2003 - 2007; 2010; 2012)
- Adviser to Society for Testing English Proficiency (STEP) (2005 - 2015)
- Translator (1974 - present)
- Director, Hitachi Institute of Foreign Languages, Hitachi, Ltd. (1998 - 2002)
- Chief Engineer, General Purpose Computer Division, Hitachi, Ltd. (1988 - 1998)
Books Published:
- 『エンジニアのための英文超克服テキスト』(オーム社、April 2015)
- 『キクタンサイエンス: 情報科学編』(ALC Press、June 2012)
- 『速く正確に読む IT エンジニアの英語』(The Japan Times, February 2011)
- 『はじめての STEP BULATS』(= 翻訳、旺文社、December 2007)(原著 = “Essential BULATS”)
- 『エンジニアのための英語プレゼンテーション超克服テキスト』(オーム社、February 2007)
- 『エンジニアのための英会話超克服テキスト-実戦! テクニカルミーティング』(オーム社、August 2004)
- 『ビジネスパーソンのための英語超効率勉強法』(日本実業出版、September 2002)
Contact Michihiro Hirai via email:
Occupation:Writer, Editor, Consultant
Location:Mie, Japan
Contact Chris Hoddle via email: